Monday, December 27, 2010

LINE DANCING – 101-01 My Adventures in learning the latest line dances

A three-part series

The latest craze that is taking over dance floors across the nation and maybe even on some overseas dance floors, is line dancing. Several years ago, we had the “Electric Slide” then came the “Cha Cha” Slide and now we have a plethora of dances to choose from.

In my eyes the two that are most popular among club goers is the “Wobble” and the “Michael Jackson” line dance. My first encounter with the Michael Jackson one was during my first visit to Houston in April 2010. One of my very best friends from high school invited me to H-town in order for me to better prepare for my move in the summer.

What I found on the patio of one of the sexiest clubs I’ve had the pleasure of being in was a dance that I did not know – a line dance, in fact.

The two ladies who appeared to be in their late 20s, early 30s stopped and paused, dipped, took to the left and so forth. At least that was what I was able to catch. I tapped my bestie and asked her about that dance.

“I don’t know,” she responded.

I was too nervous to ask the ladies what the name of the dance was so I kept quiet while I continued to lock the moves in my head.

Left. Left.

Right. Right.

Stop. Pause.

Well, you get the point of this no-name dance, at least for me, at this point.

Me being the nosey person that I am, I immediately hit the internet searching video posts, blogs – anything I could find for this no-name line dance. The Houstonians I asked didn’t really know. When I would ask the natives during my H-town outings, I asked and asked again. But that didn’t help.

So this little dance remained nameless and I left in the dark on what to call this little number.

What I did know was my throwbacks from 2004 – “A” town stomp etc. etc. would not do the trick when frequenting the clubs – something I had every intention of doing once established in the “H” but the dance had me baffled. It was a need-to-know situation.

Hold up. Wait one. Prior to my departure from this beautiful city, I learn of the Wobble, which means more practice for me. Now, I need to go do my homework.

Stay tuned for the second part!

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